Increasing Breast Milk Supply with Fenugreek Seeds

Will Fenugreek Seeds Increase Milk Supply? The recurring question and inquiry on how to increase milk supply stem from breastmilk potency, not just as the solely recommended and preferable food for babies but because it is the baby’s first food qualified to be called medicine.

For new or to-be mums, breastfeeding is an extremely delicate subject matter as breastfeed the initial and most important nutrition for their babies. Scientifically, breast milk has been shown to contain lots of beneficial nutrients for newborn babies, and it is the top and only source of feeding for the first six to seven months of their lives. It also has necessary immunizers which help build a baby’s impunity and opposition to diseases and infections. And that is why new mothers are always worried about whether they are producing sufficient milk for their newborns or not.

The challenges of inadequate milk production may confront some women as a result of tension, exhaustion, or worry. In contrast, others may face the challenges of the production of superabundant milk. The main issue is the lack of or insufficient milk production. New moms have to try out or resort to different treatments to guarantee an adequate milk supply, particularly home treatments, as they are regarded as less risky. And that is when traditional therapies are very much needed.

Some foods can be ingested by new mothers to help increase the supply of adequate milk for their babies, and fenugreek seed is one out of a number of nourishments that aids the increase in milk production.

What are Fenugreek Seeds?

Fenugreek seeds are regular constituents used in many foods in South Asia. They serve as powerful nutritional herbs and are packed with many health benefits, especially for nursing mothers. These vitamins are very important constituents of foods and beverages that help boost the production of breast milk.

Nutrients Composition

Fenugreek seeds contain mostly carbohydrates, protein, cholesterol, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin A and C, fiber, fat, folates, thiamin, and more that help nursing mothers to have more breast milk, and increase milk supply while breastfeeding. See the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s protocol #9 on the use of galactogogues.

How to take Fenugreek Seeds for Increased Breast Milk?

Ingesting fenugreek seeds is a natural and less risky method of boosting or increasing the supply of adequate breast milk for new mums, and the seeds can be taken in different ways and forms.  Here are different ways to take fenugreek seeds.

Fenugreek Powder

Fenugreek seeds are used for the increase of the milk supply and one of the ways is grinding the seeds into curry powder which can be used as a curry paste.


The fenugreek tea, when consumed, increases milk production and flow in breastfeeding women. The tea can be made by adding warm water to the seeds and allowing them to steep or settle. Take the steeped tea water gotten with honey. This form of fenugreek is, however, less active compared to the capsule form.


The fenugreek seeds can be eaten or chewed to achieve the desired results. In fact, some of them can be eaten on a daily basis, and they should be immersed in water for a few hours to soften them and make them easier to eat. The water which they were soaked in may also be consumed.

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Tablets or Pills

New mums can use fenugreek pills to produce breast milk as they contain the seeds powder. However, ensure to take it as prescribed by a doctor to prevent complicated effects.


Fenugreek seeds can be used as an ingredient or constituent of foods. They can be prepared along with raw foods and consumed with them.

Fenugreek Sprouts

Sprout is another way to consume fenugreek for an increase in the supply of breast milk. To make fenugreek sprouts; Soak the seeds in water till the next morning. The water used for the immersion should be poured away, or it can be taken. Next, rinse the soaked seeds using clear water and put them in a clear plastic container. Put the soaked seeds on a table or sill or any other warm place with the cover slightly opened. Rinse the seeds with water every day, and they will germinate in about six days and be ready for consumption.

Suggested Dosage

The right amount for the consumption of each form of fenugreek seeds varies for nursing mothers. The seeds should be taken as directed or prescribed to increase the supply of breast milk. Ensure to get directions on the amount of usage that is right for you. However, to take with warm water, 3 or 4 grams of the seeds are recommended. Half to one teaspoon of powder for the powdery form, a cup of fenugreek two or three times daily for the tea form, and three to six pills for the pill form of fenugreek are recommended.

How Safe is Fenugreek Seed for Breastfeeding Women?

Fenugreek seeds are completely safe for breastfeeding women and their infants. However, some women are advised to avoid the seeds completely or see their doctors for guidance before consuming them. They include diabetic women, women who are sensitive to peanuts, and women with thyroid insufficiency. Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by U.S Food & Drug Administration.

Side Effects of Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are safe for breastfeeding women with little or no side effects when used appropriately. However, they can have effects on both the mum and her baby if taken excessively.

Some of the side effects of fenugreek seeds due to excessive or inappropriate intake include;

  •  It can cause the levels of blood sugar in a diabetic mum to drop if taken excessively.
  • It could cause stomach upset in babies and bloating or inflation in the mum if taken during pregnancy.
  • It is not advised for pregnant women as it can set off contractions of the uterus and cause a miscarriage or premature delivery.
  • Those sensitive to peanuts are likely to be sensitive to fenugreek seeds and are advised not to consume the seeds if they are allergic to them and sort other remedies to boost the milk supply.
  • Excessive intake of the seeds may cause the mother’s milk and urine to smell like syrup, maple particularly.
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How Long Does It take for Fenugreek Seeds to Increase Milk Supply?

The time it takes for the seeds to increase milk production varies for different women. It takes one to three days of consumption to increase milk supply in many lactating mums, while it takes up to two weeks to see a considerable change in the flow of breast milk in some women.

Fenugreek pills work faster, and lucky breastfeeding mums will most likely notice an increase in milk supply in as slight as Twenty-four to Seventy-two hours while using the pills, while others mums using pills also may have to wait for longer days. And some don’t see any change after the wait.

For How Long Should You Consume Fenugreek Seeds?

This also varies for different women, and the intake of fenugreek seeds can be decreased or stopped when the supply and flow of breast milk have been increased to the desired level. The regular flow will be kept up if the baby is breastfed on a regular basis. The consumption of fenugreek seeds can be continued for women who want to keep breast milk.

Does Fenugreek Seed Work for Every Lactating Woman?

Fenugreek seeds have been proven severally to work for an increase in breast milk production for most women, and doctors regularly suggest fenugreek pills for use by breastfeeding mothers facing the challenges of low milk production.
It may, however, not work for every breastfeeding mum. Some women reported that they did not notice any change in their milk production after taking fenugreek seeds for a while. A low supply of milk can be caused by breastfeeding mothers as a result of too much tension and pressure, low diet, hormonal disorder, and more. These issues have to be taken care of, and after they have been, there could be a noticeable change in the supply of breast milk after the seeds’ consumption.

Safety Measures to Take While Consuming Fenugreek Seeds

Some measures need to be taken by breastfeeding women while using fenugreek seeds to boost the increase in milk supply.

Below are Some of the Measures:

  • Don’t take excessive seeds that can cause stomach upset for you as the mother and your baby. Stick religiously to the prescribed amount of dosage.
  • It is important to ensure that you are not sensitive to fenugreek or similar to peanuts.
  • Don’t consume fenugreek seeds if you suffer from thyroid insufficiency or underperforming thyroid glands, as it could have negative effects on hormones like the T3.
  • For use after pregnancy, make sure to seek guidance from your doctor before consumption.

There are other benefits of fenugreek seeds, and women mostly consume them to aid the growth of vital breast cells and increase the production and supply of breast milk. However, mothers need to take care of problems like exhaustion, worry, and pressure to achieve the desired result of curbing low milk production when consuming fenugreek seeds.