When Does A Fetus Develop A Heartbeat?


This is a question most pregnant women tend to ask, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, as they and their husbands want to feel the heartbeat and the baby kicking often and on. However, the question is a straightforward one and does also have a straightforward answer. The answer to this curious … Read more

What is Power Pumping? All You Need to Know

breast pump

It is grueling for new mothers to realize if they are supplying their babies enough milk or not, and some, if not most, wind up worrying about it irrelevantly. There are many reasons you are producing less milk if the production is actually low, and it is especially difficult to tell or know if you … Read more

Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation-All You Need to Know

symptoms of ovulation

Ovulation is one major thing that occurs in women, and even at that, there are often various questions about the timing and signs that accompany this activity. For most couples, especially those trying to conceive, ovulation seems to be a major topic as this period signifies the perfect time that babies are conceived.  According to … Read more

Pregnancy Cravings – When They Start and What They Mean

pregnancy cravings

Cravings are completely normal during pregnancy, and most women find them rather satisfying. There are no proper theories to explain why women get pregnancy cravings, but gynecologists have linked it to taste buds and body demands. Comfort eating is a term mostly used to explain pregnancy cravings. It is totally okay to crave starchy carbohydrates, … Read more

How Long Can Breast Milk Be Kept At Room Temperature?

breast milk

Breast milk fed through the natural process provides your child with a fresh, bacteria-free milk. However, it’s important to consider proper preservation methods in case you are away and still want to feed your baby with the healthiest food. There are different preservation methods, but choosing an effective one is key. Experts suggest breast milk … Read more

Baby Not Sleeping? Complete Guide on Common Problems

baby sleep guide

Baby sleep problems? That a baby won’t sleep can be frustrating. This may first be looked at as a norm, a regular disruption, often part of new parenthood. It is often not anything out of the ordinary, but on closer examination, when it persists, you discover there are underlying, grave reasons why the baby wouldn’t … Read more

Baby Kicking – Everything You Need to Know

baby kicking in the womb

An experience most women find gratifying is the first time they sense their baby kick. They can also ask very specific questions like “Is my baby kicking enough?” “Does kicking happen too frequent?” and “how does the baby kick?” These are some of the questions pregnant women tend to ask themselves in their second trimester. … Read more